Ce tristețe!

Scopul nu este să trăiești pentru totdeauna, ci să creezi ceva care să o facă, și cu siguranță ai făcut asta, maiestate. Dumnezeu să te odihnească în pace!

Regina Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii a murit azi, 8 septembrie 2022, la vârsta de 96 de ani. Medicii săi au devenit îngrijorați cu privire la starea ei de sănătate, joi, 8 septembrie, după o evaluare amănunțită, și recomandaseră ca ea să rămână sub supraveghere medicală permanentă la Castelul Balmoral din Scoția. Între timp, membrii familiei regale s-au adunat la castelul Balmoral.

Phillip came to me today,
and said it was time to go.
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that „I know”
I then turned and looked behind me,
and seen I was asleep.
All my Family were around me,
and I could hear them weep.
I gently touched each shoulder,
with Phillip by my side.
Then I turned away and walked,
with My Angel guide.
Phillip held my hand,
as he lead the way,
to a world where King’s and Queens,
are Monarch’s every day.
I was given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some.
The difference is up here,
they are worn by everyone.
I felt a sense of peace,
my reign had seen its end.
70 years I had served my Country,
as the peoples friend.
Thank you for the years,
for all your time and love.
Now I am one of two again,
in our Palace up above.

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