Primul articol pentru revista școlii

Pe la mijlocul lunii decembrie am primit un mail de la doamna profesoară de engleză în care mă ruga să-i spun lui Luca să scrie, dacă vrea, un articol despre o carte pe care a îndrăgit-o el, pentru a fi publicat în revista școlii.
Era specificat că trebuie să fie scris în limba engleză, scurt (să se încadreze într-o pagină) și să fie redactat.
După ce s-a gândit mai mult și a trecut în revistă cărțile citite, cele de care și-a adus aminte, s-a oprit asupra uneia scrise de Gary Paulsen.
E adevărat că din aventurile lui Brian doar Toporișca a fost tradusă în limba română și pentru că a plăcut așa de tare, le-am achiziționat pe celelalte, 3 la număr, în limba engleză. Și inspirată am fost pentru că le-am citit și eu cu mare plăcere. Mai multe detalii despre carte dar și cum am lucrat noi pe ea găsiți aici.

Așadar, iată cum arată articolul copilului unde povestește despre Brian’s Winter. Sperăm să placă și să-i facă curioși pe colegii lui, determinându-i să o citească.


Winter stories

Brian’s Winter is a book written by Gary Paulsen, this being the continuation of the novel The Hatchet. Brian’s Winter is about a boy named Brian who had a plane crash while he was going to his dad. He had to survive on his own on a mysterious island.

Brian confronted a lot of moral and physical problems in that place. At first, he didn’t know how to make anything but with time, he learned from his own experiences. He made a bow and arrows to hunt, and clothes to keep him warm, a nice shelter to live in, until winter came and new problems evolved.

He set to work on what he could do and spent all of that day sewing the rest of the rabbit skins into two tubes, which he attached as sleeves to the vest.

Then he sewed each of the tubes down to the sole, attaching it all around the edge, and when he was done he had two clunky boots that he could stick his tennis shoes down into; with the hair on the inside they felt warm the minute he stuck his feet into them.

Brian made winter clothes which help him keep warm. He got lucky by managing to hunt down a large moose, which provided food for the rest of the winter.

It was amazing. The snow was powdery and the shoes didn’t keep him right on top as he’d thought they might. But he only went down three or four inches and stopped, instead of his foot going all the way down into two feet of snow, and as an added benefit the snowshoes kept the snow away from his feet and legs.
He didn’t get snow down his boots, his legs stayed warmer and dryer and that kept the rest of his body warmer and dryer but more, much more than that, he could move again.

At last, he found a group of people living near his shelter.

They managed to bring him home where he was very happy to be reunited with his family.

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